Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Introduction to the Fundamental Natural Laws

Fundamental Natural Laws


February 28, 2008

Dear folks,

Professor Buell says, “Nothing is ever created, it is only discovered.” Such is the case with these dialogues. The following illustrations are life lessons that we have been awakened to. Please allow me to introduce and share this ongoing series of what we call our “Fundamental Natural Laws” (Laws that can never be broken) and the supporting documentation that is the “Story Telling” we do in class.

Special thanks to Kyoshi Steve LaVallee for encouraging me to continue this project and to Professor & Mrs. Martin T. Buell and Mr. Nicholas Cokinos who continue to help us awaken to the world that is around us. A lot of these Fundamental Natural Laws are distilled from stories that were shared with me, combined with my own joyful and painful life lessons. I would encourage each of you to develop a similar library of Fundamental Natural Laws for you and the people you influence.

The development of our students’ life skills, character development and success secrets are a priority. These aforementioned objectives have been taught and engrained in us from our instructors, teachers and mentors. I believe it important to continue this tradition and preserve it for our next generation. It is what makes the martial arts so unique, special and different than anything else out there, when it comes to developing the future leaders of tomorrow.

To this day, I remember when I was a lower ranking student I was invited by Professor Buell to visit a different martial arts organization in Hawaii with a group from our school. Not knowing better, I stayed in the background and off to the side until Mrs. Buell, grabbed me by the arm, took me over to the table where the masters were and said, “Now shut up, sit here and listen.”

On that evening the rich world of the martial arts began to open up to me as I just listened, watched and admired the “walking text books” of the martial arts that were the masters before me. Their wisdom within the stories that they shared helped me to form the core values that I hold dear to this day.

At this point you could be saying, “I have no life experiences that are worth sharing.” To that I would beg to differ. If you have lived this long on this earth, then we know you have a colorful and exciting life experiences to share. We have found that the people you influence are eager to know more about you and when, where and why you are where you are today.

I would venture to say, that each of you as instructors (or instructors in training) have similar rich experiences and history to draw from. I would further suggest that you would have best success with taking these Fundamental Natural Laws and substitute in your stories to support each Law. Remember, talk from the heart, tell the truth and you can never go wrong. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.

Dedicated to your achievement,

Garland R. Johnson

Assistant Professor Johnson

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