Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fundamental Natural Law #1

"You never get trouble for telling the truth."

Story: I mean no disrespect.

Years ago in preparation for the annual Black Belt Testing, Professor Buell requested the names of the Student and Degree Black Belt Testing Candidates from the Universal Heads of Schools and Chief Instructors. We did as he requested.

The time came when we were all together and the rank examinations began. We, as Instructors, have learned to prepare our students as best we can; when it comes time for Black Belt Testing, we explain to the student: “You are getting ready to go down a very challenging and demanding part of your journey to Black Belt and beyond. We cannot go down this path for you. This is something that you must do yourself. We will wait for you on the other side to welcome you with open arms into the Black Belt Ranks, but you have to go down the path.” When we turned them over to Professor we said, “They are all yours Professor. Pass or fail it is your call.”

After the examination, Professor Buell gathered all the Heads and informed us that he was failing each of our top people (including two of mine). We were shocked. The Heads of Schools and Chief Instructors got together afterward and started grumbling about the decision, wondering if he was going senile or something. In my infinite wisdom, I said to the others, “I am going to talk to him.”

So, I got with Professor Buell in private and explained, “Sir, I mean no disrespect, however I think you are wrong on your decision to fail the people you are planning to fail, and I am not the only one who feels this way. We all feel that way.” (Big Mistake). “Oh really,” was his response. “Yep, really.” I said. “Well let’s find out, shall we?” He said with a smile.

He then gathered all the Heads Of Schools and Chief Instructors into the room and said, “Garland says he thinks I’m wrong on my decision to fail these people and says that a lot of you feel the same way. All those who feel the same, please step forward.”

Not a one of them stepped forward. They left me there all alone. I looked at Professor Buell, then looked at them and looked back at Professor Buell and said “Okay, I understand and the lesson is well-learned. I can only speak for myself. So in speaking only for myself, I mean no disrespect; however, I have to stick to my guns. I still think you are wrong on this decision.” He said “Okay” and dismissed us all.

Promotion time came up and to everyone’s surprise, all those people he said he was going to fail, he promoted. Afterward he gathered all the Heads of the Schools and Chief Instructors into a room and explained some things.

“Instructors, I was testing your students. However, I was also testing you folks. I wanted to see who had the courage to come to me if I made a bad decision. Because of Garland’s courage, all of your students passed their examination. But, oh by the way, all of you failed.”

As scary as it may be, you never get in trouble for telling the truth.

Dedicated to your achievement,
Garland R. Johnson
Assistant Professor Johnson


  1. Wow sir, kudos to you for sticking to your guns. I always do and that's why I got in trouble so many times. I guess not everyone is as understanding a Professor.

  2. Dear Neibaf,
    Great to hear back from you. Yes, it is tough sometimes and always scary. Keep doing what your are doing. It got you this far and you are still alive. All the best.
    Kind regards,
    Assistant Professor Johnson
